Steyr at the national park - a modern city with history

The 1000 year old city of Steyr

Romantic, cultural and Christmas town

One of the most beautiful town squares in Europe awaits you in Steyr, where Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo styles come together harmoniously.

In its center is the city’s landmark – the Gothic Bummerlhaus built in the 13th century – above it the mighty Lamberg Castle on the foundations of the Styraburg, the fortress to which the city owes its foundation.

Enjoy untouched nature along the rivers Enns & Steyr and discover the forests and alpine pastures in the Kalkalpen National Park -UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Follow in the footsteps of Josef Werndl and discover Steyr’s rise to become a modern business location.

Steyr combines tradition, nature, culture and modernity.

The diversity of Steyr

No matter what time of year you want to visit Steyr, the romantic city shows itself from a particularly attractive side in both summer and winter.


Embark on a journey of discovery in summer – on foot through romantic alleyways and architecturally unique inner courtyards or by bike along well-signposted cycle paths.

Explore the 1000-year-old city, which Franz Schubert found beautiful beyond all words.

Especially in the summer months, Steyr offers a top-class cultural offer.

Also this year the well-loved Steyr Music Festival will take place in the castle moat of Lamberg Castle, the Theater am Fluss, the Steyr Literature Days, the Long Night of the Churches and the Long Night of the Museums.


Steyr and the national park region attract in winter with a variety of leisure activities. This includes hikes with or without snowshoes, skiing, ice skating, curling and much more.

Especially in the run-up to Christmas, Steyr presents itself in a very special dress and New Year’s Eve is a social highlight at Minichmayr. We offer our overnight and restaurant guests an extensive program to celebrate the turn of the year. Of course, the confluence is also the best place to enjoy the fireworks.


Steyr is world famous as a Christmas town.

In the Advent season there is a comprehensive range of long-established Christmas traditions with many sights and attractions.

Let us get you in the mood for the festival!

Advent attractions

Visit the pilgrimage site Christkindl, with the famous mechanical nativity scene (52m²) and the Pöttmesser nativity scene, the largest nativity scene in the world with 778 figures.

Send your Christmas mail at the Christkindl Christmas post office with a Christmas stamp and special cancellation.

The 1st Austrian Christmas Museum with 10,000 pieces of antique Christmas tree decorations and the “adventure train” to the angel workshop not only enchants the little ones.

During a Christmas night watchman city tour, you will explore, among other things, the Steyrer Kripperl – one of the last stick puppet theaters in Europe that are still in use.

You can also look forward to various Advent markets, the Steyr Blacksmith Christmas, vintage bus rides, the launch of St. Nicholas balloons, the Steyr Valley Museum Railway, crib exhibitions and the Steyr Christ Child in person.

Steyr is active all year round

There is a lot to experience in and around Steyr

The Steyrer Auen in the middle of the city invite you to walk, jog, ride a Segway and have a picnic.

The gravel beaches on the Steyr turn into popular natural bathing beaches on hot days.
Wonderful cycle paths lead directly past the Hotel-Restaurant Minichmayr.
Only 30 minutes from Steyr is the Kalkalpen National Park, a paradise for nature lovers, hikers and mountain bikers. Forests, crystal-clear streams, wild gorges, promising mountain peaks and picturesque pastures characterize the landscape of the national park.

Steyr is the ideal starting point for your cycling, mountain and e-bike tour


Enns Cycle Path (R7): From Radstadt, the Enns Cycle Path leads around 250 kilometers through the three federal states of Salzburg, Styria and Upper Austria.

Steyrtalradweg (R8): nature experience for the whole family

Hintergebirgsradweg (R9): An extension of the Steyrtalradweg is a special treat for everyone who wants to be very close to nature on two wheels.

Mountain biking: The Kalkalpen National Park, just 30 minutes from Steyr, offers everything a cyclist’s heart desires.

Traunviertel Tour – a tour over 7 daily stages with start and finish in Steyr

sport and freetime

Winter aktiv

Erleben Sie die Stadt und die Nationalparkregion Kalkalpen

Mit dem ersten Schnee gewinnen Landschaften plötzlich eine völlig anderen, neue Qualität: Wiesen, mit bizarren Rauhreifkristallen überzogen glitzern in der winterlichen Sonne und die tiefverschneiten Bäume sehen aus wie Märchengestalten, die in strahlend weiße Mäntel gehüllt sind; hell erleuchtet streben die Gipfel des Nationalpark Kalkalpen in den tiefblauen Winterhimmel.

Entdecken Sie die schönen Seiten des Winters im Herzen Österreichs bei einer Winterwanderung oder Schneeschuhtour, auf Langlaufskiern, in den Familien-Skigebieten der Nationalpark Region Kalkalpen und Steyr oder bei einer zünftigen Eisstockpartie mit Freunden – hier findet jeder sein passendes Erlebnis!
